Director of the Venezuelan Magazine of Pedagogies and Emerging Technologies REVEPTE

Graduated in Sociology at the University of Zulia, Venezuela (1984). With a Master Scientiarum in Personnel Management at the National Experimental University of the National Armed Forces of Venezuela (1993). She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the Rafael Belloso Chacín University of Venezuela (2000). She has a post-Doctorate in Emerging Research from the Technological University of the Center (UNITEC) and the Network of Transcomplexity Researchers (REDIT) Venezuela (2021) and a post-Doctorate in Epistemology and Educational Innovations from the El Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL) Venezuela ( 2021). She is an international lecturer, researcher at the Latin American Center for Studies in Pedagogical Epistemology (CESPE). She is a researcher associated with the Red de Investigadores de la Transcomplejidad (REDIT) and a member of the Red de Docentes de América Latina (REDOLAC).

She research on the topic of Education and Pedagogy. Participated in the CESPE Congress 2020, 2021 and 2022. She has articles and essays published in: Espacio Abierto Venezuelan Sociology Notebook, Management Training, UCMaule Academic Magazine, Higher Education and Society Magazine, Horizontes Digital Press.

She exercises editorial functions such as:

  • Member of the Editorial Committee of the refereed magazine Miradas Transcomplejas, Venezuela
  • Member of the Editorial Committee of Petroglifos Magazine, Venezuela
  • Member of the Editorial Committee of the Management Training Magazine, Venezuela
  • Director of the Venezuelan Magazine of Pedagogies and Emerging Technologies REVEPTE